מגיע לך משלוח חינם - מ2 מוצרים ומעלה

Start Building Strong Bone for Your Children

Childhood and adolescence represent a critical and irreversible "window of opportunities" that affects bone health in adulthood. Therefore, it is vitally important to educate children and adolescents to consume sufficient calcium on a regular basis.

Typically, when parents think about their children’s health, they do not think about their bones. Yet, maintaining healthy eating habits and a healthy lifestyle in childhood is of great importance and significance, since the bone mass attained in childhood and adolescence is one of the factors that affect the risk of suffering from osteoporosis and fractures later on in life.


Start Building Strong Bone for Your Children


Bone formation process occurs mainly during the first three decades of life, and peak bone density is acquired at the end of the second decade of life (ages 18-25). Children and adolescents efficiently absorb calcium from the intestine and reabsorb calcium from the kidneys, and excess calcium is transferred from the blood into the bone. At these ages, the rate of bone formation is higher than the rate of bone loss, resulting in increased bone mass. In advanced age, bone loss rate exceeds bone formation, resulting in bone cavities and fragile bones.


Childhood and adolescence represent a critical and irreversible “window of opportunities” that affects bone health in adulthood. Therefore, it is vitally important to educate children and adolescents to consume sufficient calcium on a regular basis. Studies show that increasing daily calcium intake results in a better calcium balance, formation of stronger bones during growth, reduction of bone loss in advanced ages and reduction in the incidence of fractures.


The amount of calcium needed to build the growing and developing skeleton of children and adolescents is very high — about 1300 mg of calcium per day. A study evaluating the health and nutrition status among students, conducted by the Israeli Ministry of Health during 2003-4, showed that the calcium intake of Israeli adolescents was significantly lower than the recommended daily allowance. The average calcium intake among male adolescents was approximately 991 mg of calcium per day, while among female adolescents it was only about 821 mg of calcium per day.


Unhealthy life style during childhood and adolescence, such as: obesity, anorexia nervosa, diet enriched with sodium and limited physical activity are detrimental to bone formation processes.


The more the process of bone formation in childhood and adolescence is efficient and healthier, the less is the risk of developing osteoporosis and suffering from bone fractures in old age. Ongoing nutritional deficiency in calcium during childhood and adolescence might cause long-term damage to bone health and serious health complications.


It is important that you as parents will “open” a “Calcium Account” for your children that will serve them later in life. Each “deposit” of calcium will help them build stronger bones and prevent bone loss and bone fractures. If your children do not consume the recommended daily allowance, please consult with your pediatrician.


For the prevention of bone mass deterioration, it is recommended to add DENSITYTM – the new generation of calcium supplement with the doubled absorption, to your daily diet.


Our Customer Service center will be happy to provide you with additional professional information.


Please contact us by filling out the “Contact Us” form.


To purchase DENSITYTM, the new generation of calcium, click here



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