משלוח חינם - בהזמנת 2 מוצרים ומעלה

Not All the Calcium We Consume is Absorbed by Our Body

How many cups of coffee did you drink today? Do you think that by eating a lot of tahini then you'll reach the recommended calcium intake? We have news for you ... and it isn’t good

How many cups of coffee did you drink today?


Do you think that by eating a lot of tahini then you’ll reach the recommended calcium intake?

We have news for you … and it isn’t good


Not All the Calcium We Consume is Absorbed by Our Body


Not all calcium that we consume is actually absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. Humans absorb only about 30% of dietary calcium, and this value varies depending on the type of food we eat.


There are additional factors affecting the absorption of dietary calcium, for example:


  • The amount of calcium consumed: Efficiency of absorption decreases as the amount of calcium increases.


  • Age: Calcium absorption can be as high as 60% in infants and young children, who need large amounts of calcium in order to build their bones. Calcium absorption decreases to 15% – 20% in adults, and continues to drop with age. Therefore, the recommended calcium intake for young people is lower than the recommended intake for women over 50 and for women and men over the age of 70.


  • Vitamin D: improves the absorption of calcium.


  • Ingredients in food: Oxalic acid and phytic acid, found in several kinds of food, bind calcium and may delay its absorption. High levels of oxalic acid can be found in spinach, sweet potatoes, beans, whole grains rich in fiber, nuts, seeds, and soy. The effect of various foods on calcium absorption is not constant and differs from person to person.


Some of the absorbed calcium is removed from our body via urine, feces, and sweat. This amount is affected by a number of factors:


  • Sodium consumption: High sodium intake increases urinary calcium excretion.


  • Protein consumption: Nutrition rich in protein also increases urinary calcium excretion. However recent studies show that parallel protein intake also increases calcium absorption in the intestine, and therefore does not affect the overall balance of calcium in the body.


  • Caffeine consumption: Caffeine found in coffee and tea, for example, can slightly increase the secretion of calcium from the body and reduce its absorption. One cup of coffee can cause a loss of about 2-3 mg of calcium.


  • Alcohol consumption: Alcohol can reduce the absorption of calcium in the body and inhibits the activity of the enzyme that transforms vitamin D into its active form in the liver. The amount of alcohol that affects calcium balance in the body is unknown.


  • Fruit and vegetable consumption: Acids produced in the body as the result of a diet rich in protein and grains increase the excretion of calcium from the body. Consumption of fruits and vegetables leads to neutralization of those acids, leading to decrease in calcium excretion. However, it is unclear whether increased consumption of fruits and vegetables affects bone density.




It is important to ensure that the consumption of calcium is from sources that enable its high absorption.


If your daily diet does not provide the amount of calcium recommended by the Ministry of Health, bone loss processes may begin earlier in life. For the prevention of bone mass deterioration, it is recommended to add DENSITYTM -the new generation of calcium supplement with the doubled absorption, to your daily diet.


Our Customer Service center will be happy to provide you with additional professional information.


Please contact us by filling out the “Contact Us” form.


To purchase DENSITYTM, the new generation of calcium, click here



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